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Celebrating all things Hamilton / Welcome Message

City Life

Where nature beats tech

Summer is almost here, so parents, here are some great places to get outside with your kids that are fun and don’t include a device. Summer break is almost here for thousands of public and separate school students, and if you’re like us, a slow panic is starting…
City Life

The days of dahlias

Cut flowers are a big trend in gardening this year and dahlias provide a ton of diversity is size and form and are easy to grow. Summer is very much here. After a scorching week in May, a lot of people with green (or not so green) thumbs…
City Life

Farm City

McQuesten Urban Farm is nestled in a east-end neighbourhood and grows healthy, affordable and culturally diverse food for its neighbours, while providing classes in cooking, canning and fermenting. If you’re headed for a drive in the east end near Parkdale Avenue, you can reasonably expect to see the…
City Life

Biking like a Viking

Winter cycling brings all the benefits of fair-weather riding with just some thoughtful preparation. Years ago, in one of our ever-more-rare cold snaps, I was in front of my house waiting for my child to get home on the school bus when up the street came a lone…
City Life

Planting the seeds of spring

Mark your calendars – Feb. 3. Seedy Saturday by Green Venture is an opportunity to swap seeds with other gardeners, buy from small companies and share passion for gardeners. If you’re a gardener, there is a part of the depths of winter you always look forward to. Not…
City Life

The Greenbelt and other wins of 2023

We’ve come to the end of what may be one of the most significant years for the environment in Hamilton in a very long time. At the end of August, I received an invitation to gather with some friends on the patio of the West Town on Locke…
Hamilton music Collective