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Celebrating all things Hamilton / Welcome Message

Arts + Culture

No reservations about Fully Committed

Next production at Theatre Aquarius features one actor, three dozen characters and a behind-the-curtain look at high-end dining. If ever there was a need to laugh it might be now and Theatre Aquarius’s Fully Committed promises to deliver, says comedian Gavin Crawford, who…
Arts + Culture

Hamilton photographer earns third deep dive world record

Steve Haining pulled off a model shoot past the decompression zone at a shipwreck in Florida that has been recognized by Guinness. A circling shark, a jellyfish sting, eight-foot waves, and the ever-present threat of decompression sickness did not sink Hamilton photographer Steve Haining’s quest for a…
City Life

Cycling Without Age: Wind in their hair

The Hamilton and Burlington chapter of Denmark-born non-profit provides free rides on trishaws for those who can’t pedal for themselves. Copenhagen businessman Ole Kassow frequently saw an elderly man sitting on a bench while Kassow was out for a bike ride. One day, in 2012, he offered…
City Life

For the Love of Hamilton

This regular feature highlights people from all walks of life who have embraced Hamilton as their new home. PHOTOS BY GEOFF FITZGERALD BHAIRAVI KUMAR was born and raised in India. After getting married, she moved to Pasadena, California to broaden her career. She worked in the banking sector,…
City Life

Hounds of Hamilton: Dogs are the stars at Fetching Studios

We need a big dose of dogs these days so HAMILTON CITY Magazine is a new feature to celebrate the city's canines. Send in your dogs! This story starts with a photogenic bulldog.  Soon after he moved to Hamilton in 2020, a neighbour who breeds bulldogs…
Food + Drink

Compass is navigating the food fight

Compass Community Health Centre in Hamilton’s North End is battling food insecurity through a range of programs targeting vulnerable populations. In vulnerable communities, food security is fundamental to health, family well-being and community-building, and in the North End of Hamilton, all roads lead to Compass Community Health Centre. …
Hamilton music Collective