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Celebrating all things Hamilton / Welcome Message

City Life

Maple syrup is a tasty rite of spring

Tapping trees, collecting sap and boiling it down for a delicious syrup is a time-consuming but satisfying endeavour. But you don’t have to do all that to enjoy maple syrup season locally. It’s the most wonderful time of the year! Not Christmas, although that’s pretty great. And it’s…
City Life

Gardeners rejoice! Seedy Saturday is around the corner

14th annual event on Feb. 1 will bring together vendors, speakers, seminar leaders, and plant, insect and wildlife-lovers of all ages and skill levels for Hamilton’s go-to gardening event. Years ago, my family bundled up in the February cold to head to a community centre near the old…
Hamilton music Collective
City Life

Hamilton Christmas Bird Count is a Boxing Day tradition

Species tally collects important information that sheds a light on local populations and trends, so shake off that turkey coma and get out to look for birds. The holidays are fast approaching, and with that, some glorious traditions. Some recent, like the Christmas tree lighting in Gore Park.
Made in Hamilton

HOLIDAY GIVING: For DIYers and makers on your list

Hamilton is home to a range of stores and spaces that provide products and know-how that will appeal to any handy hobbiest. Some people love to get beautiful gifts that they can display or put to use as soon as they open them. Some of us prefer to…
City Life

Yes, you can hike by the HSR

A car is not necessary to get to some beautiful trails in Hamilton, so hop on a bus to explore and check out the beauty of autumn. It’s autumn, the best hiking season of them all (don’t argue, it’s facts!). Warm days and cool nights mean fewer or…
City Life

These cafés serve fix-it help for broken household items

Volunteer-run repair cafés tackle our throwaway culture by taking goods destined for the landfill and giving them new life. They are even teaching people how to fix their own stuff. A few years ago, thanks to my eclectic Instagram account, I was approached by Green Venture about…