Gardeners rejoice! Seedy Saturday is around the corner - Hamilton City Magazine Skip to main content
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Gardeners rejoice! Seedy Saturday is around the corner

14th annual event on Feb. 1 will bring together vendors, speakers, seminar leaders, and plant, insect and wildlife-lovers of all ages and skill levels for Hamilton’s go-to gardening event.

Years ago, my family bundled up in the February cold to head to a community centre near the old Centre Mall, to take in all the information we could absorb about gardening.

There we met the good people at Silver Creek Nursery and learned about what we were doing wrong with our apple tree. We connected with speakers, and bumped into friends like Victoria Bick from Dundurn Castle Garden, whom I soon learned is everywhere gardening happens in this city.

Seedy Saturday has long been a time to gather seeds and supplies, ask questions, and connect with fellow gardeners, and this year’s celebration is almost here.

This year it returns for its 14th year on the first Saturday in February (Feb. 1) to the fourth floor of the Hamilton Public Library’s Central Library, and will feature dozens of vendors and speakers and a range of activities for gardeners of all ages and skill levels.

Alexia De Poupada is a green infrastructure program coordinator with Green Venture and is this year’s Seedy Saturday coordinator.

“This year’s event is the all-around go-to gardening event for seeds, knowledge, and for anyone in the environmental and sustainable business realm,” explains De Poupada.  “Anything to do with gardening, seed saving, plant growing, things like that.”

Seedy Saturday is Feb. 1 at the Hamilton Public Library's central branch.

This includes a great marketplace featuring 34 different vendors from all areas of gardening and landscaping. Offerings include seeds, vermicomposters (read: worms), rainwater capture landscaping, beekeepers, skin care products based on botanical ingredients and a wide range of environmental not-for-profit organizations.

Vendors are there not only to connect you with great products for your garden and yard, but to also offer lots of advice on how to get the most out of the sun, soil and rain in your space.

As well as the marketplace, there will be five seminars running during the day.

The first seminar will be about rain gardens and rainwater management. It will feature a panel of individuals who have participated in the rainwater management rebate program. They will share their experience with the program, with rain gardens, and with reducing runoff on their properties.

Another seminar will be on the importance of wildlife habitat in our cities. Presented by the Hamilton Conservation Authority, they’ll share information on how to make your garden a haven for animals and insects. 

Seedy Saturday by Green Venture includes a vendors marketplace and plenty of learning opportunities.

Other seminars include a Q&A with Halton Master Gardeners, a garden design workshop and a session on how to make peace with weeds.

This year also features an expanded kids – or Seedlings as they’re calling it – section.

The Seedlings area will be tucked away at the back of the fourth floor and will offer interactive activities and story time for the little ones so they can take a break from listening to their parents ask gardening questions.

Of course, the popular seed swap will be back, but this year with a twist. Along with the usual table of seeds will be an ask-the-experts area with volunteers from Dundurn Castle Historic Kitchen Garden. It will be a great place to learn more about the seeds being swapped, and ask questions about sowing, planting, or other garden care topics.

Also returning is the silent auction. Dozens of items will be up for grabs including honey, Hamilton Conservation Area passes and seeds, with all proceeds going to Green Venture.

Finally, the other new addition is the playing of the documentary In My Backyard from filmmaker Jamie Day Fleck. It explores her journey towards replacing her lawn with food production, and the adventure she takes around Toronto to meet others doing the same. This will be playing on loop all day on the first floor across from the elevators.

Seedy Saturday runs Feb. 1 from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m. on the fourth floor of the Central Library and is the do-not-miss event for gardeners of all levels and interests.

Hope to see you there!

Jason Allen is the host of The Environmental Urbanist, Tuesdays at 1 p.m. on 93.3 CFMU, and has been encouraging Hamiltonians to explore the outdoors for almost two decades.

Seedy Saturday includes five seminars for area gardeners eager to learn.