Ryan McGreal - Hamilton City Magazine Skip to main content
Celebrating all things Hamilton / Welcome Message

City Life

Hamilton’s affordability emergency: Words vs action

Council’s flub of an affordable housing project on a parking lot in Stoney Creek has thankfully been vetoed by the mayor. It’s time for Hamilton to act on the housing emergency that’s been declared. On April 12, 2023, Hamilton city council voted unanimously to declare a state of…
City Life

Testing the EV open road

The death of Ryan McGreal’s mother in California provided the circumstances to try driving an electric vehicle on a 8,400-km round trip through challenging conditions. My mother died last December in California where she had been living. In mid-January I learned that the cost to transport her…
Hamilton music Collective
City Life

Tiny Homes, Huge Controversy

Hamilton needs big wins to meet the housing crisis but it seems we can’t even manage tiny ones.  In April 2020, the City of Kitchener embarked on a transitional housing project called A Better Tent City – a community of tiny cabins for people experiencing chronic homelessness.
City Life

Density is the answer to the housing crisis

We need to build more homes – of all kinds – in Hamilton. That means understanding that we can’t simultaneously hold fast on the urban boundary while fighting intensification in existing neighbourhoods. We are in a housing crisis, in Hamilton specifically and across Canadian cities more broadly. The…
City Life

We deserve to know why Hamilton LRT is so delayed

Ryan McGreal wants to know what, exactly, Metrolinx has been up to for the past two years. On May 13, 2021, the federal and Ontario governments jointly announced a $3.4-billion funding commitment to build and operate a new light rail transit (LRT) system in Hamilton. This milestone was…
City Life

Flip-flopping Ford

Doug Ford promised Ontarians that the Greenbelt was off-limits to developers – only to go back on his word. The abrupt policy shift has enraged much of the populace and as Ryan McGreal points out, Ford looks to have one heckuva fight on his hands. On June 2,…