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Celebrating all things Hamilton / Welcome Message

City Life

Part 2 of 2023 and beyond: An interview with Mayor Andrea Horwath

In this second installment, HCM’s Jeff Martin explores key issues with Mayor Andrea Horwath, including the perceived culture of secrecy within council and the need to move toward greater transparency and cultural change at City Hall. She also elaborates on the importance of Hamilton’s farmland…
City Life

2023 and beyond: An interview with Mayor Andrea Horwath

HCM’s Jeff Martin sat down with Mayor Andrea Horwath to gain insight into her vision and key priorities for the coming term for the new Hamilton city council. She discussed the issues and challenges that she and council will be dealing with this year, including a new budget.
Hamilton music Collective
City Life

The Times Are A-Changin’

The municipal election saw the welcome winds of change swirl through a fractious city hall, but as Ryan McGreal points out, the new faces at the council table will have their work cut out for them. Andrea Horwath will be the first woman to serve as mayor of…